Do I need a vapor barrier behind cement board in shower?
If it’s a cement board, you need a vapor barrier, because cement retains moisture, which means the wood next to it is always damp. It does retain moisture, but the advice given by others here is to move the waterproofing between the tile and cement board with products like Redguard or Ditra.
Do you need a vapor barrier with Hardie board?
Depending on your local building authority having jurisdiction (the AHJ) over your building codes, vapor barriers are almost always required, whether your builder uses James Hardie products or some other, inferior product.
Can you use cement board for shower walls?
There are several acceptable applications of cement board in the shower. All applications pair up the tile board with some kind of waterproofing material, whether a liquid membrane, plastic sheeting, an uncoupling membrane like Schluter Kerdi, or a board that is already faced with waterproofing.
What goes behind cement board in shower?
Don’t use paper-faced backer board, i.e., paper-faced drywall, behind seamed tub and shower enclosures. Use an alternate approved product such as fiber-cement, fiber-reinforced gypsum, glass mat gypsum, or fiber mat-reinforced cementitious backer panels.
Do you need waterproof membrane on cement board?
However, it does not make a shower, bathroom or kitchen area waterproof simply by installing it. There will be seams between boards and in the corners which need to be sealed. For this reason, cement-board is considered water resistant and not water-proof without a membrane or waterproof coating.
Do you need a vapor barrier behind shower walls?
Moisture barriers stop that water or vapor from getting any farther and potentially rotting your studs, the drywall or greenboard installed behind the enclosure. They are required beneath your shower pan and behind your shower walls.
Is RedGard a vapor barrier?
It bonds directly to clean metal drains, PVC, stainless steel and ABS drain assemblies and can be used as a slab-on-grade moisture vapor barrier under all types of floor coverings. RedGard® is a liquid-applied elastomeric waterproofing material that cures to form a monolithic membrane.
Does Durock cement board need waterproofing?
Water does not affect USG Durock® Brand Cement Board, however, TCNA guidelines recommend the use of a waterproof membrane in wet areas.
Can I tile directly over redguard?
Can You Tile Directly Onto RedGard? There’s no need to put another layer of product on top of RedGard before you begin tiling. A surface that has been painted with RedGard and allowed to dry is ready for you to apply thinset and install tile. You can install thinset mortar and tile directly onto RedGard.
Can you put RedGard on drywall?
RedGard is not designed for use on drywall, yet many people have successfully done so. RedGard does not make drywall fit for use in wet areas. Additionally, if applied incorrectly, the RedGard will nort form a sufficinet barrier and if water get into the drywall, it is ruined.
Do you need waterproofing membrane on cement board?
You need to apply waterproofing over cement board in wet areas such as a shower. However, in areas that don’t get wet you don’t need it. Mortar, tile and grout provide some protection against water as well as the cement board itself. It’s enough to resist water in areas that don’t get that wet like a tiled floor.
Does thinset bond to redguard?
Premixed thinset mortar does not adhere well to RedGard waterproofing membrane. In order to make sure your tile bonds well to a surface that has been waterproofed with RedGard, use a powdered mortar. You will need to mix this mortar with water yourself, but it will ensure a strong bond between the tile and the wall.
Is Green Board OK for shower walls?
So what does all this mean? It means “Greenboard” can still be used in bathrooms (and other areas), it just cannot be used as a backer for tile in a shower or tub surround. It can be used in areas not subject to direct water exposure (tub/shower surround), and areas of noncontinuous high humidity (bathrooms).
Do I need to waterproof cement board in shower?
Should you use green board or cement board in a shower?
Cement backer board such as Durock is best used for tile in highly wet applications such as shower stalls, with greenboard and other water-resistant drywall panels kept only to high-humidity areas. Greenboard’s paper facing alone does not inhibit mold growth. The facing must be treated with mold-resisting agents.
Does cement board get mold?
Unlike wood-based materials such as plywood or products that contain some wood such as drywall, cement board lacks organic matter, making it resistant to mold, rot, shrinkage, or decomposition.
Can you put a vapor barrier around a shower wall?
Placing a vapor barrier around the shower wall will ensure a long-lasting installation, but only if installed properly. Apply the barrier and then install cement boards to complete the wall. Do not use drywall or greenboard over the vapor barrier. These materials will not withstand the moisture trapped by the barrier.
Can you put cement board over vapor barrier?
Extra Tip. Apply the barrier and then install cement boards to complete the wall. Do not use drywall or greenboard over the vapor barrier. These materials will not withstand the moisture trapped by the barrier. Cement board breathes, and will allow moisture to pass through to the vapor barrier and then evaporate back out through the cement.
Can you use greenboard for a shower wall?
Greenboard. If you’re using greenboard or drywall for the walls of the shower, you’ll need to put the vapor barrier between the greenboard and the water. Failure to do that will mean that moisture will soak the greenboard and it will gradually crumble, as will your shower wall. A good vapor barrier would be 6-milliliter polyethylene.
What is a vapor barrier and how does it work?
Cement boards are a common backing material used due to their immense durability and strength that it provides. Vapor barriers help control how moisture interacts with your materials by preventing moisture from entering critical places, such as inside your walls.