Is Betula pendula fast growing?
Silver birch is fast growing and can reach 20m (65ft) or more on maturity. The branches are notable for their pendulous ends, which give it a gently weeping appearance. The bark is white often with black diamond shaped markings.
How tall does a Betula pendula grow?
Betula pendula is one of Britain’s most common native trees and is also widespread across Europe. It was one of the first trees to regenerate itself in this country after the Ice Age. It is a medium sized, deciduous tree, growing up to 25m in height.
What does Betula pendula look like?
The bark is whiter than downy birch with scattered black fissures. The young twigs are typically covered in white ‘warts’, and feel rough to the touch. The bark becomes much more rugged with diamond-shaped crevices as it gets older.
Are silver birch trees a problem?
Although silver birch roots are not considered to be aggressive, they have been known to cause significant damage to lawns, patios, and other structures. Like most trees, you will need to consider the planting distance from any buildings or other structures to minimise the risk of damage.
How close can you plant a silver birch to a house?
Silver birches are among the best trees for small gardens since they never produce too dense a canopy and their root systems are unlikely to shift foundations. That said, always make sure they are planted at least 10 feet from the house.
Can you keep silver birch trees small?
Maintaining the Size of a Silver Birch General pruning practice for young silver birch is to cut only the live branches less than 1 inch in diameter.
Where is the best place to plant a silver birch tree?
Grow in low to moderately fertile, moist but well-drained soil in full sun or light dappled shade. Birches are adaptable trees and generally tolerant of exposed and windy sites, dry or wet conditions and even waterlogging.
How far should a silver birch be planted from a house?
Can silver birch trees be kept small?
Silver birch and Himalayan birch are both available as columnar ‘Fastigiata’ varieties, which have a much smaller spread than other birch trees and are ideal for smaller gardens.
Are silver birch trees OK for small gardens?
Silver birch are often good choices for small gardens. They are famed for their stunning bark which looks great throughout winter. Silver birch trees can have a single trunk or be multi-stemmed. Try the weeping Betula pendula ‘Youngii’ which has arching stems of ovate leaves that fade to yellow in autumn.
How do I stop my silver birch from growing too tall?
Always remember your main aims for silver birch tree pruning, which are:
- To remove diseased, decaying, injured or dead branches to promote the health of the tree.
- To thin out branches that are rubbing or growing too close together.
- To remove branches that are too close the ground.
Can I plant a silver birch in a small garden?
What is the difference between birch and silver birch?
Not to be confused with: Silver birch (Betula pendula) and the two easily hybridise. Silver birch has hairless and warty shoots whereas downy birch shoots are covered in small, downy hairs. The bark of downy birch isn’t as white and papery as silver birch.
Do silver birches have invasive roots?
They are not particularly invasive but like any tree, will source water if it is available. The bigger the tree – the bigger the root system,and this species is really just a medium sized tree when fully grown.
How far from a house should a silver birch be planted?
Can you keep silver birch small?
Maintaining the Size of a Silver Birch General pruning practice for young silver birch is to cut only the live branches less than 1 inch in diameter. Using a secateur rather than a saw leaves a cleaner cut.